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A guide to building a better relationship with your teenager. Ten guiding principles informed by a theoretical framework. Written in understandable language and communicated in such a way that you can out them into practice straight away. A practical information resource that you can work off day by day.


It allows for a deeper 2 way understanding if followed and practised.


This guide is written with 16 years of child and adolescent experience and professional mental health knowledge. The guide will improve your relationship and help you attune with your child on a deeper level.

It simply lays out steps and actions for a positive emotional relationship.

Some of these you may be missing such as:

  • Noticing themes and patterns of behaviour
  • How to pick out the meaningful parts of a conversation, notice the critical things that are said that may seem subtle and learn how to respond.
  • What are the different reasons they are not confiding in you?


And lots more!


Essential Guide - Building a Better Relationship Guide

  • Copywright #talkingtoteenagers

  • Non refundable 

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